The Dapper Guide: 1 Suit, 5 Ways


For those of you who don't get dressed up that often (but have that one suit hanging in your closet) here are five totally different ways to style a single suit and still keep it fresh and fancy. By the way, this is not only applicable for men; ladies don't be afraid to venture into suit world too! Also, if you're wondering how your suit should fit, check out our suit fit guide.

Full "Suit and Tie" Shit Justin Timberlake style

Great for: Formal party or wedding

Pair your full two piece suit with a collared dress shirt and tie. Add a pair of brogues and a clean pair of socks. This is a classic look that is great for formal events, a fancy party, or a nice dinner out on the town! Add some personality with a pair of crazy socks or lapel pin. If you want to spice it up, swap the tie for a bow tie.

Fancy Hanky

Great for: Weekend party or dinner date

Take that suit and pair it with a patterned shirt. Something like a nice plaid will make the outfit feel a little more casual. Instead of a tie, keep that top button undone and add a pocket square to your jacket pocket. If you want to get fancy, you can try folding it a few different ways. If you wear an undershirt, don't forget to make it a v-neck instead of a crew neck so it doesn't show behind the unbuttoned top button (White Triangle of DOOM).

Dapper Casual 

Great for: Dinner with family, casual work party, or evening drinks


Everyone should have one good pair of dark jeans in their closet, it's one of the most versatile articles of clothing you can own. Take your suit jacket and throw it on with a pair of dark, well fitting jeans and a collared shirt. Go more casual with a pair of desert boots or stay a bit fancier with a pair of wingtips.

Sweater and Shirt Combo

Great for: Meetings, dressing it up for work or a date night

Pair up your suit pants with a collared dress shirt and a sweater. You can always dress it up the look with a tie.

Chillin' But Still Dapper AF

Great for: Dinner with friends, fancy brunch, concert, or coffee with a friend

Toss on a fitted, crisp solid t-shirt under your jacket and you are good to go. Super casual and chill, but still looks like you put thought into it. Try this look with a stylish, clean pair of sneakers.

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FashionBecki and Chris