DIY Matte Black Camera Charging Station

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Last year I built out a charge wall, posted it on Instagram, and had MAYJOR RAGRATS for not making a video about it. Over the winter season of 2020, during a raging pandemic, we decided we needed more space for filming our YouTube videos so we started to build out a studio in our basement. It’s taking forever, and it’s not done yet (story of our lives) BUT it gave us the perfect opportunity to build yet ANOTHER camera charge wall, but this time we actually filmed it.

Watch the full process here:


The layout of your charge wall will be completely dependent on what you are using it for, how much gear you have, and where it’s going. This guy can be as small as one pegboard, or as big as however many you can fit in your space. We just used two pegboards for both of ours as we didn’t need it to be massive. We can add to it down the road if need be.

We suggest gathering all your materials up, laying your pegboards on a flat surface, and doing a mock up first before attaching everything (make sure you don’t cover the mounting holes). We used gaff tape to hold things in place temporarily while we worked through our layout.


We didn’t need a massive charge wall for the basement studio so we went with a smaller, lighter power bar and mounted it to the front of the pegboard using 3M Command Velcro Strips. For our main charge wall we used a full sized power bar and used 4 command strips on the back since it’s much heavier.

The velcro straps are great for attaching things to your pegboard that you might need to remove and take with you (though let’s be honest, we aren’t doing much of that at the moment). The USB hub is one of those things we always travel with since we have so many devices to charge. We attached two velcro straps together and fed them through the holes from the back of the pegboard, then wrapped them around the hub to hold it in place. On our first charge wall we had thinner velcro which made feeding it through the holes much easier.


We used the cable clips on the edge of the power bar to hold the cords in place. We also used one directly on the pegboard to hold a lightening cable for easy access.

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So that’s the charge wall, finally one year later LOL. If you try this youself tag us on Instagram to send us a tweet!

If you want to catch up on our studio videos so far you can find them here:

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