So We Were Chosen to Compete...

A few days ago we came across a DIY competition called "Creating With the Stars", hosted by East Coast Creative Blog. Not really familiar with it, we checked their site for details. The competition in a nut shell: You first submit your best project from the 2013-2014 year and a panel chooses the top 12 projects to partake in the main competition. This is comprised of four DIY challenges, with a new one every week. Each week/round, three people are eliminated. Competitors are paired up with a DIY guru as a mentor to help guide them along the way, hence the name "creating with the stars". Oh and the final detail? The deadline for entry was that day!

In 2013, we started a lot of projects but didn't finish many. This and the fact that our focus had been getting the new blog up (should be happening any day now) means the little content we did have in the works, we had been sitting on to release with the new site. With all that said, we quickly polished up a post we had been working on about our DIY living room X-ray view boxes and published it with less than one hour left until the contest entry deadline. As it turns out, we were chosen as one of the top 12 projects out of 299 entries! Also, thanks to your sharing, we broke our record for most views in one day with that post! (Previous record was held by the kitchen before and after.)

We've been paired up with KariAnne of Thistle Wood Farms who will give us some guidance for the upcoming challenge(s). The first challenge is make a "knock off" of something - we have no ideas yet!


Anyway, it's an honour to be considered as one of the top 12. Hopefully we don't choke and get cut in the first round! Our first challenge submission is due in one week, with voting opening on Monday, March 24th, so be sure to come back for a link to vote for us. And by voting you have a chance to win a vacation too, so no excuses!

UPDATE: The official rules were sent out and the projects will all be anonymous, which makes sense as it makes it more about the project and less of an online popularity contest. So your new instructions are: vote for whatever project looks most like us!


DIYBecki and Chris