The Stairs Before and After


80's. Traditional. Old. Carpet. These are all words that came to mind every time we used our stairs. Or noticed them creepily lurking in the background, jealously plotting revenge against their freshly renovated neighbouring rooms (SOON...). If you're familiar with other rooms in our home, you'll agree that the old stairs did not quite fit our style. The fat rounded edges, decorative wooden balusters, and carpeted surfaces stood out like a sore thumb against our house's minimalist, modern backdrop.

After a ton of planning, and a lot of local companies turning us away because this type of installation was "crazy" or "impossible", we started to realize just how intricate of a project this was. But this is definitely one of our favourite projects to date for that reason, just because so many people thought we were nuts for even attempting it!

All the dirty DIY details are documented in our first and second progress posts, so I'll skip right to the exciting stuff: