Ep.08 How We Started Making Internet Content


+ Finding Your Voice Online

Today on Tuxedo Time we’re discussing how we got started making internet content through a written blog and what it was like looking for our first home when Chris had ZERO interest in home renovations. We also talk about how you can still be successful without a large audience and share a story about that one time we won an international DIY competition. Topics also include Chris going dumpster diving, cringing at old work, finding your voice online, and we bring back “That’s Friggin’ Deadly”!

Today on Tuxedo Time we're discussing how we got started making internet content through a written blog and what it was like looking for our first home when Chris had ZERO interest in home renovations. We also talk about how you can still be successful without a large audience and share a story about that one time we won an international DIY competition.

Our First DIY Video

4 YEARS AGO! Man it’s hilarious to look back at this! So awkward on camera! LOL

X-Ray Lightboxes

DIY Post Here


Photos from The Creating With The Stars competition circa 2014