Ep.13 We Took Vacation - This Is What We Did


Welcome to a special episode of Tuxedo Time: Vacation Edition. Yes, we both took an actual vacation and decided to make a podcast about it. We’re talking about the massive video project Chris is working on BY HIMSELF, how listening to other people’s goals makes you question what you want in life, and Becki talks about what she loves about design. We also find out what bird was making that sound in the backyard.

Other topics discussed are as follows: why Becki HATES the color red but owns a ton of red things, cable vs streaming, the nature app we are OBSESSED with, and how 2020 is a hairy, dusty blob. Please enjoy this smorgasbord of discussion topics loosely related to photo and video.

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Welcome to a special episode of Tuxedo Time: Vacation Edition. Yes, we both took an actual vacation and decided to make a podcast about it. We're talking about the massive video project Chris is working on BY HIMSELF, how listening to other people's goals makes you question what you want in life, and Becki talks about what she loves about design.

Show Notes

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Show Notes, PodcastBecki and Chris